
“I Could’a Bin’uh ConTender”

Well, this is some SHIT~!

Lancaster Merrin is alone, AGAIN, on Xmas Eve

That is just WRONG, man.

CRANK this Up for Santa and/or 

Baby Jeezuss~!


12/18 new post

HERE’s some more great shit. YaKnow, like Covid-type stuff to think about . . .

Well, that’s IT for the Watersports~ ONE of Merrin’s remaining joys-in-life has always been water-skiing behind a paddle-boat. THAT’S DONE. Also snorting tap-water; sometimes known as brain and sinus douching; rather refreshing, actually, on a clogg’d up kinda day. STOP DOING THAT~!!

Fortunately, it’s just ONE Amoeba — about the size of a small lizard. AND when it tires of the taste of a particular brain, it simply moves on; leaving it’s victim with 1/2 a brain, WHICH . . . . . –-> rolling eyes, while waiting for predictable punch-line –> would seem to EXPLAIN a lot.


Notice how inordinately creative and clever, Karen. Wut? NO~?! Not really? …… well, for Krapps-sake!! {as your mom would say}. Lanc should probably just give UP trying to entertain older, jaded, burn’d-out females.

Hope THAT Denver ‘dislodging’ operation went well for ya. As I’ve been told at various bars on 6th Street, “NOBODY needs a freekin’ rock in the pancreas duct.”