
SarcoPod Flight Plan Rarefied Bathroom Humor

Having a BAD HAIR-DAY~?

The Sarco-Pod Seriously Rocks

3D-printable ‘Death Pod’ for stylish and peaceful suicide premiered at Venice expo. Let’s hear about it. My lease is up.

Sarco X ready for Lift Off . . –> yeah, but I’m NOT!

The final lab tests were conducted at Maak studio in Haarlem on Friday 7 August 2020 & the results are in. Yayyy~! They sent 6 old guys off to The Neverland Ranch~ Sarco created an oxygen-free environment in less than one minute. So don’t take it ‘outa park’ till yer reddy, Fred~ The oxygen inside the capsule plummeted rapidly from 21% to 0.4% in 50 seconds. Better make it a short speech, and a 12oz beer~

Other Lovely Styles and Colors of Final ‘launch-PADS’

WARNING! Bathroom Humor Alert

Bathroom stuff ain’t that funny; here’s some, anyway

After lunch (at 3:00 a.m.) or dinner (whenever), and having watched a QUALITY European murder mystery episode, I’ll typically settle in for my NOT well-deserved nap by watching some nonsense that I just want OFF my list

Perfect example: “The BabySitter–Killer Queen.”

Ridiculous, vulgar, dark humor, horror stuff WITH some good LINES now and then; well done production. Ya know, just before Merrin knocks-out for the 3rd time in 24 hours.

2 young, attractive people escaping a group of UNdead characters (some vicious but very sexy) arrive at a nice cabin in the woods.  During the course of the conversation, the guy looks uncomfortable.  She asks:

“What’s wrong with you?”

“I really need to go to the bathroom”

“Uh, would that be #1 or #2?”

“Hey, if I were forced to do a 2 in front of you I’d have to kill both of us”

Although the guy meant ‘in the same proximity,’ THAT SAYS IT, ladies & gentlemen~! The universally poignant #1 or #2 conundrum. “Oh, I forgot something at home; will be right back.”

After decades, it’s a profound measure of just how immature Lancaster Merrin remains, to this day. The EVIDENT lack of social progress due to a pathological timidity in such mundane matters. Never married, no kids.  Did SOMEHOW end up undeservedly ‘cohabitating‘ with 3 striking females, as I recall

The tribal ritual described above endured as a kind of routine and perpetual abomination, and provided a solid raison d’etre for suddenly having to split-solo back to Amarillo. A move which none of the previously mentioned co-habitants seemed to mind much.

All things considered would prefer to DO IT down the street in some bushes.  Then RETURN for dinner, soft music & dancing.

Note to Self: This bathroom ‘angle’ was a bad idea. Too LATE NOW~! Hate myself . . . . . . . . May, in fact, be suicidal.

Let’s try this: “The BabySitter: Killer Queen” compelled Merrin to do it.

8 replies on “SarcoPod Flight Plan Rarefied Bathroom Humor”

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